Thursday, March 5, 2009


I got this 'award' from my precious friend Julia:

When I first moved to this small town (about 12 years ago) it was hard. I didn't have any kids and I was still going to college in San Marcos which is about an hour away. The only ties I had to this place was my house. My husband worked out of town on a 7/7 schedule so I was alone a lot. That was OK with me...ok until I had my first child. My parents lived 2000 miles away, my husband was gone half the time and I had no friends, no support. It was hard. I managed pretty well I thought until I had kid number 2. He had 'breathing problems'. One night, husband gone and me alone with 2 babies, I wound up having to take #2 to the emergency room. Everything turned out fine, but I was a mess. I needed a friend and bad! I begged God to give me one. And guess what...He did!

Julia has been such a blessing to me as well as my family. She is hilarious, a genius, a creative powerhouse, a super-mom and a godly wife. She rocks! She is a rock.

The picture above was so, frazzled-showing up on her porch most mornings (sometimes in my jammies) for a good cup of coffee, good conversation and many laughs. We have solved many of the worlds problems as well as our own on that front porch.

Julia and her family moved to 'the city' this past summer. We are still friends, I see and talk to her regularly, but I miss her every day presence. I miss coffee on the porch every morning and going to lunch on the spur of the moment. I miss Wal-mart runs and weekly junk expeditions. I miss her quick wit and amazing insights. I miss her.

God is filling the gap with new friends, new interests, but nothing can replace this precious friend-this precious gift.

I have been blessed with many amazing women in my life. I am overwhelmed by how lucky I am! So many times we take for granted those seemingly insignificant things in our lives that turn out to be truly amazing gifts from God-like morning coffee with a friend.

I'll share my gift with you-you can visit her here:


Anonymous said...

I miss you too. We will always be the closeist of Friends. Remember we are going to travle the world when we get old. God is good!!
Love Julia

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see how it friends when you moved to the 'Burg. What about me???? Sarah, now in College Station. I was there that night that you had to take #2 to Victoria and they told you he had asthma. We had fun traveling to Salado with all 3 chillins and I vowed that day never to have kids. I still remember you as my friend. Take care friend.