Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

I'm a little behind-a little in denial that Christmas is coming so quickly. The draft of this post has been waiting to be completed for over a week now. I'm hoping that once I finish this Thanksgiving post I'll be ready to move on. We'll see.
The girl made deviled eggs-she loves deviled eggs:
And then she turned them pink:
I love pink. Most things are much more fabulous when they're pink. I think deviled eggs are an exception to the 'things-are-much-more-fabulous-when-they're-pink' rule. They did taste good.
We made a cake. This was not an aesthetically pleasing Thanksgiving.

This litte guy is pretty cute though:

Here's everybody-ready to eat:

The Saturday after Thanksgiving DH took the kids squirrel hunting while I was doing a little hunting of my own. They had fun. There was a little queasiness with kid #2 when it came to cleaning the squirrels, but #1 and #3 had no problems with that part. I had never eaten squirrel and dumplings-I was willing to try it. I made the dumplings even. I kinda thought it would be like chicken and dumplings-just hunks of meat, but no. Squirrels really aren't that meaty. I'm fine with not eating squirrel ever again.
Sunday we had a firing range in the yard. They are all getting to be pretty good shots. The boys have been saving soda bottles full of water to use as targets-they had a lot:

Firing range:

No, they aren't doing this alone. DH is teaching every second they are out there!

The girl even had to dress for the event-she borrowed camo from her brother:

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