Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Escape

This past week my friend Julia and I escaped for 4 days to my mom's house. My mom lives in the city (Houston) and her house is always clean and very comfortable. It is quite a treat-especially for us stay-at-mom's who spend hours each day spinning our wheels in the pursuit of order and cleanness! We visited and literally shopped till we dropped! I am done Christmas shopping and what's even better is I was able to just leave the gifts with my mom for wrapping! Being an only child definitely has it's benefits *grin*

We found a pretty little room in an antique store that had a couch and was beautifully decorated. We just had to take a minute and snap some pics. This is me and my mom.

This is me and Julia. God has blessed me with a wonderful mother and a wonderful friend.

We each bought several pairs of shoes-we found an awesome deal on boots at Bass-I got brown, she got red.

We are so ready for those horrible south Texas blizzards! LOL As it is about 80 degrees this Sunday afternoon it is hard to believe it ever gets cold anywhere. Having lived in Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Pennsylvania I do remember cold December days and am counting my blessings as I sit here with my doors and windows wide open and the ceiling fans humming along on high speed.

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